Our Student Journey

The Centre for Career Development Difference

We remain your support system for 45 days AFTER your main sessions are over. Unsure about a university? We’re here for any follow-up questions you might have! Our dedication extends beyond the initial counseling.

Initial Conversation

It all starts by getting to know you! We’ll chat about your likes, dislikes, passions, and academic journey so far.

Psychometric Assessment

Dive deeper with specialized tests that reveal your interest areas, aptiudinal abilities, and personality traits. These provide valuable data for personalized guidance for your interest, aptitude, and personality.


We analyze your results from the psychometric assessment and build a comprehensive picture of your strengths, helping you develop your own unique image for universities.

Future Roadmap

We create a detailed plan covering everything from course choices and test prep to gaining valuable work experience and finding enriching summer programs.

Bespoke Mentorship

Unlimited sessions after your first meeting to address your specific questions, track progress, and refine your plans within 45 days.

Mastering Time Management

Learn invaluable skills to stay on top of deadlines, balance academics with extracurriculars, and make the most of your journey.

Experiential Learning

Discover opportunities to gain hands-on experience and solidify your career interests.

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