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Faculty Development Programs at IIMs: Nurturing Excellence in Management Education


The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are not merely the best of business schools; they also contribute significantly to imparting quality management education in India. In these efforts, the Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) - structured innings that aim to equip educators, researchers, and professionals with skills pertaining to innovations in management education, pedagogy, and research methodology.

Objectives of Faculty Development Programs

  • To Develop Teaching Skills: To provide innovative teaching methods such as case studies and interactive strategies via a digital approach.

  • To Develop Research Skills: To enlighten and skill faculty in advanced research approaches, data analyses, and academic writing methodologies.

  • To Transform Leadership and Excellence: Preparing faculty members to provide leadership to develop the subsequent breed of business leaders and managers.

Features of FDPs at IIM

  • An elaborative course curriculum covers business analytics, finance, strategy, marketing, HR, operations, and pedagogy.

  • Blended approach of training: A mixture between face-to-face mode of instruction, with online propositions, workshops, and experiential training.

  • Training sessions with eminent faculty members: Top IIM faculty and industry experts.

  • Experiential learning: Case studies, simulations, research projects, and peer discussions.

  • Networking opportunity for faculty: Connect with peers, industry leaders, and global researchers.

Most Popular FDPs Across the IIMs

  • IIM Ahmedabad: Runs a Faculty Development Program in Pedagogy & Research Methods with an emphasis on Case Teaching and Publishing skills.

  • IIM Bangalore: Conducts FDPs on Blended Learning & Digital Transformation aimed at integrating technology in academic teaching.

  • IIM Calcutta: Offers FDPs in Advanced Research & Quantitative Techniques to give further proficiency in statistical analysis or econometrics.

  • IIM Lucknow: Runs programs on Leadership in Teaching & Institutional Development focused on building managerial skills amongst faculty.

  • IIM Kozhikode: Concentrates on Teaching with Technology & Innovations by encouraging modern teaching reforms. 

Effects of FDPs

  • Pedagogy upliftment in teaching quality.

  • Greater research publication in international management journals.

  • Higher cooperation between academia and industry for pragmatic education.

  • Crème of educators ready for the future to channelize business education.

Faculty development programs at IIMs play a big role in bringing higher standards to management education in India. The FDPs train, retailer, and polish the story of these teachers by facilitating fellowship courses, practically learning and exploring, on the newer areas of teaching, research, and world-class leadership, thus allowing IIMs to be the train station for global business leaders. With an endeavor to guide them through the phases of their academic careers, the FDPs are great learning experiences for teachers. 

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