Build a Standout Profile

Research, Projects, and Beyond

Top universities want more than just good grades. They seek students with a passion for learning, intellectual curiosity, and the ability to contribute to their field of study. Our profile development programs empower you to go beyond the classroom, transforming your interests into tangible achievements that impress admissions committees.

Research Papers

Research writing is a skill not only for PhD scholars, but also for school students.

Tech Projects

Bring your ideas to life! We’ll help you develop coding skills, design websites, or build apps – demonstrating your technical aptitude and problem-solving abilities.


Gain real-world experience, network in your field, and confirm your career path. Our network connects you with meaningful opportunities.

Social Projects

Make a tangible difference. We’ll work with you to identify causes you care about and connect you with initiatives where you can contribute your skills and gain valuable leadership experience.

MUNs & Debates

Hone your critical thinking, public speaking, and negotiation skills – highly sought-after by universities. We motivate students to find suitable events and offer prep sessions to boost your confidence.

Blogging & Expression

Share your voice and insights with the world. We offer guidance for starting a blog, podcast, or online portfolio to showcase your writing, creativity, and unique perspective.

Research Papers

In a competitive admissions landscape, a well-crafted research paper sets you apart. It demonstrates intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and an ability to conduct in-depth analysis – skills highly valued by universities worldwide.

The Student Advantage:

  • Develop Essential Skills: Research papers teach you how to formulate questions, gather and evaluate evidence, and present your findings in a clear, compelling way. These skills translate to success in university and beyond.
  • Showcase Your Passion: Delve into a topic that genuinely interests you. This enthusiasm shines through in your work and impresses admissions committees.
  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Universities receive thousands of applications. Demonstrating your ability to conduct independent research makes you a memorable candidate.

Our Research Paper Expertise:

  • Guidance at Every Stage: We help you select a compelling topic, find reliable sources, master research methodologies, organize your findings, and polish your writing for maximum impact.
  • Subject Matter Expertise: Our experienced counselors have backgrounds in diverse fields, ensuring you get tailored advice relevant to your area of study.
  • Publication Success: We guide you through the process of submitting to UGC-approved journals and those with high impact factors, potentially getting your work published and adding a prestigious accomplishment to your university application.

Your Success =  Our Success: We’ve proudly supported over 710 student research papers, spanning diverse fields like social science, technology and others. Let us help you create a research project that makes your application shine.

Tech Projects

Launch Your Future: Build Innovative Tech Projects with Expert IIT Guidance

In today’s tech-driven world, coding, app development, and web design are not just hobbies – they’re essential skills that universities and employers value. Our project development program empowers you to turn your ideas into reality, setting you apart from the competition.

Why Choose Us:

  • IIT Mentorship: Our team of experienced IIT professionals provides hands-on support, sharing cutting-edge knowledge and industry insights.
  • Real-World Impact: We don’t just teach coding; we help you create projects that make a difference. Explore solutions for social challenges, like our successful app supporting visually impaired students.
  • Portfolio Power: Showcase your technical skills, problem-solving mindset, and creativity with a tangible project you can demonstrate to universities and potential employers.

Benefits of Tech Projects:

  • Future-Proof Skills: Develop in-demand coding, design, and problem-solving abilities essential for a wide range of careers.
  • Standout Applications: Demonstrate initiative, intellectual curiosity, and technical aptitude that impresses admissions committees.
  • Entrepreneurial Spark: Build a foundation for launching your own tech ventures or contributing to innovative teams.

Success Stories:

  • Spotlight 1: Tejas Oberoi created an application to help visually impaired individuals to play games
  • Spotlight 2: Project focused on creating websites to aid connecting street artists to the right audience and help them in getting the right price for their art piece

Are you ready to transform your ideas into a powerful tech project?  Schedule a consultation to discuss your vision.


Gain real-world experience, network in your field, and confirm your career path. Our network connects you with meaningful opportunities.

380 Jitin Chawla’s Center for Career Development Internship

45 Junior MBA Internships

35 Ministry of Commerce Internships

Social Projects

Make a Difference, Build Your Profile:  Student-Led Social Impact Projects

Universities seek well-rounded students committed to making a positive impact.  Our social project initiative empowers you to identify causes you care about, gain leadership experience,  and develop skills that translate into a compelling application.

From Passion to Action:

  • Discover Your Cause: Through tailored discussions, we’ll help you pinpoint social issues that resonate with you and align with your unique talents.
  • Skills Development: Project planning, teamwork, problem-solving – gain real-world experience valued by universities.
  • Community Engagement: Connect with NGOs, local organizations, and witness the power of your contributions.
  • Standout Applications: Demonstrate empathy, initiative, and a commitment to creating change – qualities that set you apart.

Our Students in Action:

  • Blanket distribution drives to support those in need.
  • Tutoring programs to improve mathematics skills in government schools through music, and melodies.

The Power of Purpose:

Social projects aren’t just about doing good;  they help you:

  • Build confidence and a sense of agency.
  • Deepen your understanding of complex issues.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and adaptability.

Ready to make your mark?  Explore how a social impact project can elevate both your profile and your community.

MUNs & Debates

Sharpen Your Skills, Stand Out to Universities:  MUNs & Debate Success

Universities seek well-rounded students who can think critically, articulate ideas confidently, and collaborate effectively.  MUNs (Model United Nations) and debate competitions provide the perfect platform to develop these sought-after skills, setting your application apart.

The MUN & Debate Advantage:

  • Critical Thinking Master: Research complex issues, analyze diverse perspectives, and form informed arguments.
  • Persuasive Communicator: Hone your public speaking, learn to present your ideas with clarity and confidence.
  • Negotiation & Leadership: Build consensus, practice diplomacy, and develop the ability to lead and collaborate in a team setting.
  • Global Perspective: Gain a deeper understanding of world affairs, cultural differences, and problem-solving on an international scale.

Our Support for Your Success:

  • Event Matchmaking: We help you identify the best MUNs in the school and debate competitions that align with your interests and experience level.
  • Personalized Prep Sessions: Our expert guidance will boost your research skills, argument development, presentation techniques, and overall strategic approach.
  • Confidence Building: Overcome nerves and gain the self-assurance to excel in a competitive environment.

Ready to step into the spotlight?  Explore our MUN & Debate prep services and discover the leader within.

Blogging & Expression

Your Voice, Your Platform: Build a Standout Profile Through Digital Expression

In a competitive admissions landscape, showcasing your passions, ideas, and unique perspective is crucial. Blogging, podcasting, and online portfolios offer powerful platforms to demonstrate your creativity, communication skills, and commitment to a field of interest.

Why Digital Expression Matters

  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Universities seek well-rounded students with diverse interests and the ability to articulate their thoughts effectively.
  • Thought Leadership: Demonstrate your knowledge and passion for a subject by sharing informed opinions and analysis.
  • Networking & Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, and even future collaborators in your field.
  • Skill Development: Sharpen your writing, communication, and technical skills – assets in both university and your future career.

Our Support:

  • Finding Your Niche: We help you identify topics you’re passionate about and explore formats (blogging, podcasts, video content) that best suit your style.
  • Platform & Setup: Guidance on choosing the right platforms, optimizing your profile, and the technical aspects of getting started.
  • Content & Growth: Strategies for creating engaging content, building an audience, and leveraging your platform to showcase your strengths.

Let your voice be heard! Discover the power of digital expression for your university application and beyond. Contact us to start building your online presence today.

Projects and Academics

Discover Your Potential

Not only the schools but our team has been actively conducted workshops and counselling sessions in the top colleges of Delhi such as Hansraj College, Daulat Ram College, Gargi College, IP College of Girls, Keshav Mahavidyalaya & other DU College, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Hamdard, Aligarh Muslim University, IP University, Amity University, Hindu College of Girls, JIMS, Mahindra University & Many more.

International Schools

  • University of Liverpool
  • UC Berkeley
  • Cornell University
  • University College London
  • Yale Summer Session
  • Harvard University
  • MIT
  • University of Washington
  • London School of Economics

Domestic Schools

  • Ashoka University
  • OP Jindal
  • IIESR Bhopal
  • Woodstock Summer school
  • IILM

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